Monday, September 30, 2019

De Havilland Essay

Executive Summary De Havilland is a major player the Canadian aircraft manufacturing industry. Founded in 1928 by a British company, De Havilland has had multiple acquisitions by various organizations including the government. As of 1992, the organization was co-owned by the government of Ontario with 49% shares and Bombardier Inc. with 51%. The company’s strategic goal is to keep their competitive advantage by focusing on cost reduction through negotiating long-term contracts with various vendors to capture economies of scale as well as set a fixed cost to secure price stability. Although de Havilland’s existing flap shroud supplier was unwilling to accept the renegotiated 25% discount to the current price, the company had more than a year’s inventory left with the contract expiring in 1993. De Havilland decided that it would be appropriate to solicit suppliers. Nine submissions were received, with the cost difference between the lowest and highest bid at $2,061,180. Based on the information provided it was evident that Marton Enterprise had the most attractive proposal. Issue Identification Long Term – Strategic * Contract between de Havilland and Dollard Plastics of Montreal, Quebec for flap shrouds for Series 300A airplane will be expiring at the end of 1993. * Dash 8 airplane represented 60-65 per cent of de Havilland’s total manufacturing costs * De Havilland buyer tried to negotiate 25% discount from Dollard, but was rejected * De Havilland’s BSB is trying to implement cost reduction strategy by: * Partnering with smaller base of vendors to capture economies of scale * Commit to long-term contracts for a span of five years with firm, fixed prices Environmental and Root Cause Analysis Founded in 1928 by a British company, De Havilland has become a significant part of the Canadian aircraft manufacturing industry. As of 1992, the organization was co-owned by the government of Ontario that held 49% of the shares and Bombardier Inc. owning the remaining 51%. With multiple acquisitions by various companies and the government over the past half-century, the organization has implemented several activities into their operations. These activities implemented in different stages of the supply chain have successfully provided versatility in satisfying customers’ needs, from procurement to production. During Boeing’s ownership, de Havilland experienced tremendous evolution in their corporate processes. In particular the purchasing cycle is a noteworthy system developed during this time. In Exhibit 1 of the case study the diagram demonstrates the step-by-step procurement process the company goes through when it encounters a design change/new design, requiring sou rcing of a new part that has not been previously purchased before. Parties that are involved are mainly composed of representatives from Finance and Material departments. The level of management involvement depended on the size of the contract. De Havilland’s current issue was selecting a new vendor to source flap shrouds from. Dollard Plastics, a company based in Montreal, Quebec has been supplying flap shrouds for their Series 300A airplane, but their contract was about to expire at the end of 1993. With parts costs of the De Havilland’s Dash 8 accounting for 60-65% of the organization’s total manufacturing costs, the purchasing department attempted to request a 25% discount from Dollard as a strategy for cost reduction. However, their request for a lower price was rejected. With the failed renegotiation, the procurement process had to move back to bidder selection board stage. In addition to the cost reduction strategy mentioned earlier, de Havilland’s objective was to partner with a smaller base of vendors to take advantage of economies of scale. They would like to establish long-term cooperative contracts (i.e. five years) with fixed pricing so frequent negotiations won’t be necessary . Based on the nine RFQ submissions from various vendors, Marton Enterprise Inc. offered the lowest prices. With the comprehensive data and additional information that Kim Tomar obtained, it was evident there was great potential in a long-term business partnership with Marton. The difference between Dollard and Marton’s normalized bids total for the program was a whopping $2,061,180 ($2,810,174- $748,994), which could be a substantial saving amount de Havilland would be making. Marton has stated in their pricing proposal that their bid is a stand-alone pricing. This could mean it would be difficult for de Havilland to discuss a lower price than the proposed. The vendor has also stated from past history material costs typically increased 4% to 6% per year, and with that assumption which they have accounted they are willing to enter into a firm fixed price proposal with de Havilland from August 1992 to July 1997. Although Marton’s initial bid amount is quite attractive, de Havilland will have to take into account the possibility of Marton overstating their position in order to acquire the bid. This may become a strategic barrier that could become costly down the road. Another reason for such a significantly lower price offered by Marton could be the fact they may be compromising the quality of the materials or services. Lastly, it could just plainly be that Marton operates more efficiently than other vendors, thus able to incur higher savings. Whatever the case may be, de Havilland should conduct a thorough quality analysis of vendor production to determine whether Marton’s quality and cost levels are aligned with de Havilland’s expectations. Based on the reviews of past purchasing trends, forecasts conducted by representatives from the Finance and Material department, the Bidder Selection Board should have an idea of how much the parts should cost and if the prices submitted are realistic. De Havilland should also keep the other vendors who offered close bids in consideration (i.e. DAS Composites and Lakesides Industries). These bids would help in the negotiation process in strategically obtaining a potential value. With Kim Tomar’s recommendation to the Source Selection Board, SSB should establish low, target and authority price levels for one or more of the vendors and see which group provides the best offer. In terms of power relationships, it seems like it is a fairly level playing ground for both de Havilland and Marton. Based on the comprehensive data provided by Marton and the side documents obtained by Tomar it seems like Marton’s well-prepared proposal has gained them a high amount of seller power in the negotiation. At the same time, with the favorable bids de Havilland received from other vendors, they would be able to use those bids to help negotiate a good deal. At the bottom line though, it depends on how much power each company has to make decisions or if both would require approval from the parent companies. Alternatives Alternative 1 – Select Marton Enterprise as vendor based on analysis conducted for negotiation Advantages: Â  1. Lowest bid out of all nine bid submissions, providing substantial savings in manufacturing costs, more than the original targeted 25% discount 2. Establish a long-term contract with fixed pricing reducing the need for renegotiations 3. Potential for long-term relationship that would greatly improve operational efficiencies Disadvantages: 1. Quality and service might be compromised to reap savings 2. Puts de Havilland at risk if partnership with Marton is a poor decision (poor quality, service), may cause ripple effect 3. No BATNA in case negotiation does not succeed with Marton Enterprise Alternative 2 – Select Marton Enterprise, DAS Composites, and/or Lakeside Industries as vendors for negotiation . Advantages: 1. Provides a BATNA in case negotiation with Marton Enterprise fails 2. May open up other opportunities with sourcing of other parts 3. Can be used as a good negotiation tool Disadvantages: 1. Time consuming, may require more management involvement in the beginning to make decision Recommendation Based on the comprehensive data provided by Marton and the additional information that supports the credibility of the company, it would be best for De Havilland to select Marton Enterprise as vendor based on analysis conducted for negotiation. Implementation 1. After all the analysis and normalization has been conducted, de Havilland should inform Marton that they have been selected as the potential flap shrouds vendor. 2. As a team from the source selection board that is made up of Finance, Materials, Engineering and higher management personnel, they should meet with representatives from the other party to discuss the finer details of the agreement 3. They should review the proposal once again as a group and make modification of estimates 4. With a lawyer present, write out the outline of the contract 5. Once a draft has been made, each party should review it and schedule a time to meet again to sign the contract 6. Supply of flap shrouds will commence Monitor and Control De Havilland should assign staff from the source selection board that is already familiar with the vendor’s representatives to meet with the other party for periodic meetings. These meetings will allow both groups to review the progress, discuss issues that may have arise, and perform periodic quality assurance checkups/inspections. These periodic performance reviews and audits would confirm vendor compliance based on the agreement. References * Module 2 Procurement_Candidate Manual 2013 1.0.pdf * Module 2 Readings Manual 2013 1.0.pdf

Sunday, September 29, 2019

Augustine Aquinas

Aquinas embraces the material, arguing that the material world is essential in order to understand the divine. Though the theories of both men are different, they both agreed that one could know God through reason, yet no one could understand God fully because God created man. SST. Augustine and SST. Aquinas on Human Nature SST. Augustine believed that human nature, which was created by God, was good. He also believed that humans are equally able to choose good or bad, but humans are constantly attracted to evil because of our sinful nature that we inherited from Adam (Free will, 2013).SST. Augustine argued that the only way to escape this sinful nature was to accept the grace given by God, which we receive only by salvation and being good. SST. Aquinas' theory on nature differs from SST. Augustine. He believed that human nature is the compilation of the mind, body, and soul. Our minds and bodies are subject to corruption, but our souls are immaterial and free from corruption. To exi st, according to Aquinas, is to be good. However, our human nature or our good depends on goodness of our actions. SST. Augustine and SST.Aquinas Knowing Good SST. Augustine believed that we are trapped by our sins and our fulfillment or happiness can only be found in God (Clark & opportune, 2003). For Augustine, knowing the good was not enough to motivate humans to be good. Humans due to their free will and sinful nature require divine intervention; knowing God. SST. Augustine believed that good was not found in worldly possessions and that we should not attach ourselves to such things (2003). Material possessions can be lost and God is the only good that cannot be lost. SST.Aquinas was a follower of Aristotle, who also believed that good was pendent on whether it contributed or deterred us from our proper human end, which is dominance, or happiness. He also believed the people could know good by reasoning well (Lecture 3, SYS-305, GU, 2013). Knowing good required a range of intell ectual and moral virtues that enable us to comprehend the nature of true happiness, and motivate us to search for it on a consistent basis. He also believed that good, was reaching a maximally fulfilling life and that we as humans are always in search of fulfillment (Wilkins, 201 1).SST. Augustine & SST. Aquinas on DOing Good Both SST. Augustine and SST. Aquinas felt that doing good required God to be the main focus of man. For SST. Augustine, doing good required our love of God to be primary (Augustine, 2014). If we give God our primary love, then all other loves gain value. If we love God first, we will know what is right and good (Aquinas & Regis, 1997). Putting God first, put good in the proper order, which would then lead us to diamond. SST. Aquinas felt that our happiness or goodness is not be found in created things. SST.Aquinas believed that doing DOD required God and that God alone was sufficient for our fulfillment, or happiness. True fulfillment in doing good would come f rom loving God and our neighbor (Clark & Progeny, 2003). Hope of our fulfillment, or of doing good, can only be found in receiving grace and leading us to a closer relationship and love of God (Aquinas & Peg's, 1997). Critique of SST. Augustine and SST. Aquinas Though SST. Augustine and SST. Aquinas have different views about material possessions in the world, SST. Aquinas has the view that is more rational.His view is not as harsh as SST Augustine. SST. Augustine is strict on the belief that we are all broken people due to man's sinful nature. Without saying so directly, he makes humans sound like awful beings that are no good. Whereas SST. Aquinas does believe that, we have a sinful nature, but that we all have the ability to have a fulfilling life and reach our ultimate goal of happiness in the end with God. Conclusion SST. Augustine and SST. Aquinas were both great minds of medieval times. They were pioneers in theology and Christianity.

Saturday, September 28, 2019

Basketball Coaching

Coaches have to love the game. The team reflects the coach, if he’s successful so will you be. The coach needs to be disciplined and teach the fundamentals of the game. They should instill moral values into the team. Basic basketball will make the team better. Basic basketball includes ball handling, proper form, offense, and etc. It may seem boring and stupid but it really makes you a better team and player. Players want a coach who will teach them the game. If the coach is a stickler for defense, your team can beat anyone. The fundamentals of defense can make a good team great and lower tier teams competitive. The defense will lead to offense and things will come easier for your team. Once you’ve mastered the basics the goals that have been set for the team will seem reachable and easier. The confidence of the team will sky rocket and results will follow. â€Å"I teach the kids every aspect of the game and the basics that will make them successful,† said Coach Mike. Your coach needs to be dedicated and love the game. â€Å"I’m a gym rat, I’ll do anything to get into the gym and help the girls,† continued Coach Mike. You need to make touch decisions and sacrifices to be successful. Nothing comes easily especially in this profession. You have to outwork your opposition and be prepared. Being in the gym and loving the game gives you many advantages over other coaches. Being around the game teaches you more and makes you aware of every situation. Yelling isn’t the only way to motivate players. There are many other ways to do so. Sometimes yelling may do more harm than good and hurt the teams psyche. Players will start to resent the coach and start to distance themselves. Once the morale and confidence is broken down the team will start to suffer the consequences. There are certain times when yelling is appropriate but it shouldn’t be used all the time and coaches should never single players out in front of the entire team. The coach should yell for a purpose, but also bring your confidence up at the same time and encourage you to do better. There shouldn’t be false hope put into player’s heads because of the coach’s ego. Players would start to lose respect for him. They really listen to what the coaches have to tell them and take it to heart. It really means a lot to them what you tell them. One of the reasons John Wooden was successful as a basketball coach was because he was the best teacher at the sport and taught his players life skills. He didn’t win ten national championships because he had talent. He won because he taught fundamentals and basic basketball. He instilled in his players that fundamentals is the key to success. To this day his players still use what he taught them and take that with them as they move on with their lives. He was a coach and a father to the players. He always compared how life was like basketball and the players understood what he meant. John Wooden made the Pyramid of Success. The Pyramid of Success consists of twenty-five behaviors that Wooden felt you needed to be successful in not only basketball, but also in life. The top two behaviors are faith and patience. He followed those behaviors and taught his players those behaviors until his dying days. Phil Jackson is also another great coach. He is unique just like John Wooden. They never felt the need to yell. Jackson is the Zen Master and isn’t a yeller. He’s unique because unlike most coaches he trusts his team and lets them play instead of calling timeouts when his team gets into ruts. Most coaches would be infuriated and quickly call a timeout but not him. He sits back and lets them play through difficult periods. He doesn’t coach every player the same and understands the needs of what each player needs to succeed. Jackson knows his players and all their strengths and weaknesses. Another wonderful thing is he taught the two best players the game has ever had to offer: Michael Jordan and Kobe Bryant, that playing within the concept of the team is the only way to win. An excellent leader leads to an excellent coach. With the confidence and swagger that they have to offer it rubs off on the team. The team needs someone to follow and look up to. Players have to respect the coach. Respect is a major aspect of the game. The team should want to live and die by the coach. Conducting a great practice is a great aspect of any coach. Practice should be conducted with the needs of the team and show progress throughout the year. It is a way for coaches to see what you can bring to the team. Practice makes perfect and for every coach they live and die by that saying. All in all the coach is the catalyst to the team. They are everything to the team and the team thrives off their energy. The personality of the team reflects the coach. Coaches that drill the basics and fundamentals into the team are very successful. The team will succeed as a whole and improve as the season moves along. Basketball Coaching Coaches have to love the game. The team reflects the coach, if he’s successful so will you be. The coach needs to be disciplined and teach the fundamentals of the game. They should instill moral values into the team. Basic basketball will make the team better. Basic basketball includes ball handling, proper form, offense, and etc. It may seem boring and stupid but it really makes you a better team and player. Players want a coach who will teach them the game. If the coach is a stickler for defense, your team can beat anyone. The fundamentals of defense can make a good team great and lower tier teams competitive. The defense will lead to offense and things will come easier for your team. Once you’ve mastered the basics the goals that have been set for the team will seem reachable and easier. The confidence of the team will sky rocket and results will follow. â€Å"I teach the kids every aspect of the game and the basics that will make them successful,† said Coach Mike. Your coach needs to be dedicated and love the game. â€Å"I’m a gym rat, I’ll do anything to get into the gym and help the girls,† continued Coach Mike. You need to make touch decisions and sacrifices to be successful. Nothing comes easily especially in this profession. You have to outwork your opposition and be prepared. Being in the gym and loving the game gives you many advantages over other coaches. Being around the game teaches you more and makes you aware of every situation. Yelling isn’t the only way to motivate players. There are many other ways to do so. Sometimes yelling may do more harm than good and hurt the teams psyche. Players will start to resent the coach and start to distance themselves. Once the morale and confidence is broken down the team will start to suffer the consequences. There are certain times when yelling is appropriate but it shouldn’t be used all the time and coaches should never single players out in front of the entire team. The coach should yell for a purpose, but also bring your confidence up at the same time and encourage you to do better. There shouldn’t be false hope put into player’s heads because of the coach’s ego. Players would start to lose respect for him. They really listen to what the coaches have to tell them and take it to heart. It really means a lot to them what you tell them. One of the reasons John Wooden was successful as a basketball coach was because he was the best teacher at the sport and taught his players life skills. He didn’t win ten national championships because he had talent. He won because he taught fundamentals and basic basketball. He instilled in his players that fundamentals is the key to success. To this day his players still use what he taught them and take that with them as they move on with their lives. He was a coach and a father to the players. He always compared how life was like basketball and the players understood what he meant. John Wooden made the Pyramid of Success. The Pyramid of Success consists of twenty-five behaviors that Wooden felt you needed to be successful in not only basketball, but also in life. The top two behaviors are faith and patience. He followed those behaviors and taught his players those behaviors until his dying days. Phil Jackson is also another great coach. He is unique just like John Wooden. They never felt the need to yell. Jackson is the Zen Master and isn’t a yeller. He’s unique because unlike most coaches he trusts his team and lets them play instead of calling timeouts when his team gets into ruts. Most coaches would be infuriated and quickly call a timeout but not him. He sits back and lets them play through difficult periods. He doesn’t coach every player the same and understands the needs of what each player needs to succeed. Jackson knows his players and all their strengths and weaknesses. Another wonderful thing is he taught the two best players the game has ever had to offer: Michael Jordan and Kobe Bryant, that playing within the concept of the team is the only way to win. An excellent leader leads to an excellent coach. With the confidence and swagger that they have to offer it rubs off on the team. The team needs someone to follow and look up to. Players have to respect the coach. Respect is a major aspect of the game. The team should want to live and die by the coach. Conducting a great practice is a great aspect of any coach. Practice should be conducted with the needs of the team and show progress throughout the year. It is a way for coaches to see what you can bring to the team. Practice makes perfect and for every coach they live and die by that saying. All in all the coach is the catalyst to the team. They are everything to the team and the team thrives off their energy. The personality of the team reflects the coach. Coaches that drill the basics and fundamentals into the team are very successful. The team will succeed as a whole and improve as the season moves along.

Friday, September 27, 2019

Enterprise IT at Cisco Case Study Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words

Enterprise IT at Cisco - Case Study Example These strategies can encompass what are known as the four building blocks of competitive advantage; superior efficiency; quality; speed, flexibility and innovation; and responsiveness to customers. Discussion What was Pete Solvik's approach to IT governance? what was the primary style in use at the network/infrastructure level? What about the data level? How about the application level? Pete Solvik completely decentralized the IT functions and distributed the IT funding among all departments in a way that all functions and departments had the autonomy to make decisions regarding the IT system that they wanted to deploy and go ahead with the investment. At the time, IT was considered as an overhead cost and this needed to be changed. He restructured the way in which IT decisions regarding the investment on applications were made. As the IT system of Cisco was failing and the technology was becoming outdated, Solvik decided to implement an Enterprise Resource Planning system to attain a more robust infrastructure. The ERP system was implemented to control the functions of the inventory and manufacturing department and to keep the departments in sync. With the help of the infrastructure implementation, Cisco then launched intranet service for the employees and a web-base online resource for the customers. Solvik enabled all functions and department to select the IT systems that they wished to implement and gave them an autocratic environment of decision making as well as the budget to make the IT investments. He also divided the IT budgets among regional department to give different regions a choice to implement the systems that they found more feasible. However, with the number of different systems deployed, data was being entered into the ERP differently through each department which made it all the more difficult to track information. Although this approach proved successful in the short run, eventually there were too many projects to implement and handle and t his caused various issues. What problems did Cisco have with its internal IT by 2001? Why didn't the ERP system help more? There was a lot of investment over IT implementations but hardly any proved to be fruitful. By giving all departments and functions the autonomy to have their own IT tools caused duplication. This was wasted funds over the same type of systems that had similar functionalities. This not only wasted funds but also caused miscommunication within the company. Also, different tools had different keywords to extract data which caused further problems. As Solvik decentralized the system, there was no single centralized group that overlooked the IT decisions and systems that were being implemented to ensure that there are no redundancies. The problem with interfacing the ERP system was that the various different systems tried to access different information in different ways. Data from the ERP was used differently by the independent systems as there were a number of int erfaced developed to communicate with the ERP. Implementing an ERP system is not enough, the system has to upgraded and extended with the passage for time for it function better. The updating and extension of the system was hindered with the different interfaces used to communicate with the system. Moreover, the employees had become accustomed to the systems that

Thursday, September 26, 2019

12 Angry Men - Movie Review Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words

12 Angry Men - Movie Review - Assignment Example Very early in the movie Juror 10 starts with accusatory his racist remarks towards the people who are black and live in slums. His words â€Å"You're not gonna tell me that we're supposed to believe this kid, knowing what he is. Listen, I've lived among them all my life. You can't believe a word they say. You know that. I mean, they're born liars,† are a reminder of his deep seeded resentment towards these people throughout the movie. He is unwilling to look at the facts and decide the verdict without letting his prejudice get in the way of his judgment. Juror 4 and 7 also show prejudice towards the boy’s socio-economic group however, it is Juror 10 who takes it to extreme heights.He sees the light when Juror 5 a slum dweller challenges his biased general opinion. He however, does not change his vote until the middle of the movie when others tell him to stop his insulting remarks and calm down.

French Revolution And Women Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

French Revolution And Women - Essay Example Previously, the Constitution safeguarded the interest of man and never made mention of men implying that their rights were inconsiderate. Men, therefore, showed no regard for the rights of women and most of them treated women as domestic animals. However, this began to change as women started pushing for equal consideration. They drafted a declaration of the rights of woman and the female citizen, which included the rights and freedoms of the girl child. In this document, women pushed for a number of considerations key among which was equality.In the quest for equality, women did not just consider equality among one another but also equality with men and therefore deserving of freedom just as those bestowed on man. Through this, women sought to break the subordinating hold that men had on them over the years. More importantly, women voiced the need for representation in positions of authority such as the national assembly. This was the only sure way of safeguarding their rights and t his implied that women would eventually join active politics as some had previously desired. Women paid taxes just as men did if not more owing to the fact that most of them worked more in the fields. The French revolution exposed the administrative lapses in the regimes of the time; women, therefore, demanded accountability from any other government just as the men did. This would give women financial authority just as it did men thereby epitomizing equality in the French society and later assumed by countries in Europe.

Wednesday, September 25, 2019

Some aspect of American Indian literature Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

Some aspect of American Indian literature - Essay Example Actors from India have to choose between portraying unflattering portraits of the history and culture or if they have to abandon their hopes of making a living from acting. As Hollywood kept on developing, there was an increasing decline in the Western genre films. This made the depiction of the Indian stereotyping to reduce. Actors of Indian origin almost vanished from audience screens. Were it not for the multi-Oscar win by Kevin Costner in the ‘Dance with Wolves’ in 1990, the actors may have all disappeared. This film brought together some of the prominent Indian actors and offered the audience a developed and sensitive Indian cultural representation. The movie ‘The Last of The Mohicans’ in 1992 also renewed the interest of the audiences in Native American Culture. As Indians were seeking opportunities in Hollywood, they came across several limitations. They were given smaller roles, with only few starring roles available for them. In the recent past, there has been an in increase in the number of Native America scriptwriters and producers, who are working to provide audiences with a new Indian culture perspective. It is now the job of Native Americans to come out and challenge the existing racial stereotypes that have been established by Hollywood filmmakers (Simmon 98). Chris Eyre was able to achieve this with his ‘Smoke Signals’ film in 1998, which was written, directed, and starred by only Native Americans. The film managed to set a benchmark for its presence in Hollywood which is dominated by the westerns. The film is regarded as among the few films that have been widely distributed in which the Indians actors have produced their own narrative. More changes in the film industry were observed in the 1990s. In 1995, Disney came up with the ‘Pocahontas’ which was an animation with the supposed protagonists voiced by Native Irene Bedard (Simmon 25). The movie further served the role of demonstrating the English savagery that has not

Tuesday, September 24, 2019

Digital forensic incident response Research Paper

Digital forensic incident response - Research Paper Example Digital forensic investigation is important for productive prosecution of the criminals who engage in digital crimes. It is also useful in recovery of misappropriated resources such as finances, important information and others. The investigators should therefore make sure that they obtain quality forensic evidence which the courts of law require in administering justice. As put forth by Selamat (2008), digital forensic investigation is distinct from digital investigation in that the techniques and procedures that the investigator will use allow the output to be applied in a court of law. In this regard, the researcher ought to consider significant steps to carry out a successful forensic investigation. Our evidence is well hidden in images, codes, encrypted files, missing folders and files among others that need to be cracked so as to reveal the misappropriation. The investigator will collect information on: system sabotage; information related on attacks; hijacks on email; sensitive information; selective information on organized and unorganized crimes; cracking and hacking and other important information (International Journal of Advance Research, 2013). The fact that American Marketing Systems hav e suspected that there is something odd happening in the company provides the platform for investigation to verify the basis of these allegations, establish the culprits and reveal the procedures they are using to skim. In this paper, the investigator presents an extensive report of the existence of the skimming, the culprits and the procedure they use. The investigator will perform information analysis, network intrusion, examine malicious file. He will also use tools which have the ability to crack encrypted files and passwords. Most of forensic audit failure is as a result of lack of proper prior planning. Bearing this in mind, the investigator will spend quality time in planning on the devices which

Monday, September 23, 2019

Strategic Human Resources Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words

Strategic Human Resources - Essay Example It is a statement, which shows the company’s ideology and direction. Many things depend upon this. Employees get a clear picture of what is going to happen in the near and far future. On the other hand, there is confusion in many organizations that the HR is only limited to bring new faces in the company. S/he is hardly aware of what the company has as its target. The HR strategy clears this confusion proving the fact that the HR is an essential person in the organization who is very much aware of everything happening there and thus help in attaining an important goal of retaining the employees. (Messmer, 2001) The HR of a company clearly states what the company has done so far. All the ups and downs are openly discussed before people and therefore, the employees become aware of the results that have come out of the business strategy that has been obtained by the company so far. Periodic briefings regarding the goals and objectives of a particular project and sharing of information also help. Therefore, the management also thinks about new changes that can be brought into service for pacing up the company furthermore. (Messmer, 2001) Basically, HR strategy and HR theories meet at two points – requirements of the firm and requirements of the employee. An HR manager always tries to explain the reality with a theoretical perception. This helps him/her to compare the reality with the ideal. S/he tries to improve the company’s standard by deciphering its basic requirements comparing with the theory. On the other hand, requirements of the individuals are also the important matters to him/her. S/he tries to bring the equilibrium between the theory and reality. In his book ‘The Human Side of Enterprise† McGregor shows how Theory Y influences the effectiveness of managers and salaries and promotions. The two theories highlight two different orientation of behavior or disposition. Theory X

Sunday, September 22, 2019

Blackadder Goodbyeee Essay Example for Free

Blackadder Goodbyeee Essay Blackadder is a four series BBC1 sitcom that was created in 1983 by Richard Curties and Ben Elton. It attempt to explain Bristish history in a period from 1485 to 1917 in a comedic way. Blackadder Goes Forth has an lampoon approach to the World War I which was an dread event. This lampoon approaching is particularly success in the last episode, Goodbyee, which tells the story of five main character, Captain Edmund Blackadder (Rowan Atkinson), Private S. Baldrick (Tony Robinson), Genereal Sir Anthony Hogmanay Melchett (Stephen Fry), Lieutenant The Honourable George Colthurst St. Barleigh ( Hugh Laurie) and Captain Kevin Darling (Tim McInnerny). Each of them had their own reaction and feeling in respond to the last push. The fear, the anxiety, and desire not to be dead were described in a comedy way. It is said that when the situation is far worse to cry, laugh to it. It means there is no word can describe the horror of that situation. The episode Goodbyee chose that approach to tell the real story of soldiers, hero and casualty, in World War I. Eventhough the laugh, silly questions, cunning plan, and funny event happen throughout the movie, there is nothing real fun. All the reaction is their respond out of depression as the last attempt to avoid the dead. Blending comedy with tragedy, Goodbyeee definitely makes the audience feel the horror of the war, the meaningless and the cost of it. World War I or Great War was a major war took place in Europe from 28 July 1914 to 11 November 1918 between two opposite alliances: the Allies (United Kingdom, France and Russia) and the Central Power (Germany, Austria-Hungary and Italia). Triggered by the assassination of the Archduke Franz Ferdinand of Austria, the heir of the throne, the war began. The Austro-Hungarian invaded Serbia, the German invaded Belgium, Luxembourg and France, and the Russian attacked Germany. The Western Front settled into a static battle with a trench line that changed little until 1917. After United Sates entered the trench and the Allies drove back the German armies in a series of successful offensive, Germany agreed to a cease fire on 11 November 1918, marked the end of the Great War. This four years war cost about 70 million military personnel mobilized and more than 9 million combatants killed. â€Å"World War I†, Wikipedia) Goodbyeee tell the true story about the soldier in the Western Front. All of their reaction, feeling and ideas about the war are shown in their last minutes before the big push. Eventhough they were professional soldiers, they were still afraid of a battle. Captain Blackadder (Atkinson) pretended to go mad by putting an underwear on his head and putting stick up his nose, in order to be sent back but it did not work out. General Melchett (Fry) gave Captain Darling (McInnerny) the frontline commission honor- the honor of being dead. Afraid of being dead,Captain Darling kneeled and pleaded General Melchett (Fry) to change his mind but unsuccessful. Eventhough the fear of Captain Darling was so obvious; General Melchett intentionally misinterpreted the pleading. Regardless the leader’ responsibility and role-mole, all of them were trying to find a way to escape the dead. They did not feel ashamed when pretending to be mad in the cunning plan in front of their soldier or shoving the honor of dead in the front line to other people. They did not feel humiliated when pleading and kneeling. They even pretended to misunderstand the obviously begging. They ran away from their responsibility. That never have been expected to do as a soldier who could die for their country. The laugh added, the calm voice and the funny faces of actors make the viewer the humor of the situation. However, beneath the humor is the raw fear that can not be easily uncovered. The raw fear was not easily uncovered, but the lost would be. All of George’s friends were dead, simply and normally. However, looking at the way their dead were described â€Å"Sticky had been out for a duck†¦Ã¢â‚¬  (Goodbyee, DVD), there were anything but normal. The news of their dead was not told directly to avoid the feeling of lost. This mean the lost were so horrible that it needed to be avoided. Obviously, as George said, â€Å"I suppose I’m the only one of the Trinity Tiddlers still alive. † (â€Å"Goodbyeee†, DVD), the number of lost were so high. This scene of the movie has another interesting but sorrowful approach: the lost counted by the number of soldiers who were still alive rather than who had been dead. The fear was so visible and the lost were horrible. That leads the question of Private Baldrick (Robinson),â€Å"How did the war start? (â€Å"Goodbyee†, DVD). Even the soldiers who were responsible for protecting the country did understand the reason of the war. Even the Captain could not give the fully and correctly answer. The scrambling of words in question and explanation were attempted to avoid the real truth behind it. There were no clear reasons for the war. There were blind soldiers who would die without knowing why. That is the real horror of the war that the movie makes: people may felt fear, tried to avoid the dead, lost the pride as a soldier without understanding why. Good bye is the obviously comedy. However, beneath all the humor is the sorrowful truth about the war: fear, death and the meaningless of the war. Fear was hidden under mindless activities for exclusion from war. Death and the meaningless of the war were avoided by scrambling words. Laughing at the humor in the movies to hide the tears bursting out when the final truth had been recovered in the last minutes before the big push â€Å" I’m scared, sir. † , said Goerge, â€Å"I’m scared too, sir†, said Baldrick. (â€Å"Goodbyeee†, DVD).

Friday, September 20, 2019

SUPA Accelerators Overview and Applications

SUPA Accelerators Overview and Applications Aimee Hopper November 28, 2013 1 Briefly describe the differences between the following ac-  celerators and give their advantages and disadvantages (54 Marks) Accelerates Protons/Ions with a Kinetic Energy of 20-35 MeV. The work done on the particle is proportional to the voltage of the terminal. (W =qVterminal). The voltage of the terminal is dependent on the height of the device (V _ kQL ) where Q is the total charge of the particles, k is the Coulomb constant and L is the total length of the accelerating chamber, i.e. the total height of the device through which the  ion falls. Advantages very simple to make, and the principles behind the acceleration are very well understood. easy and cheap to maintain Disadvantages very difficult to get to very high energies, as the only way to do so it so make a very high, stable structure. only allows one route for particles to travel. Betraton (6 Marks) Accelerates electrons with a kinetic energy of 10-300 MeV The betatron is a type of accelerator which uses an induced magnetic field to accelerate electrons to high energies in circular orbits. Uses solenoids with an electric current passing through to produce large magnetic fields to bend the particles. Advantages Simple design solenoids and their properties are well understood and can easily be tested and manufactured. Disadvantages Requires a huge amount of coils to get the induced magnetic fields required – therefore very heavy and costly. As the coils arent superconducting, this system is also very lossy, and so wastes a lot of energy. Cyclotron (6 Marks) Figure 2: [3] Accelerates Protons/Ions with a kinetic energy of 10 100 MeV. A circular device which operates using large magnets to bend the particles. Two semi-circular plates are connected to an AC source, applying a voltage across a gap between the plates. This applied voltage causes the particle to accelerate. However, as there is also a large magnetic field present, the particle is forced to bend its path as it accelerates, following a circular path. The more energy the particle gets, the larger its radius becomes until eventually it is extracted from the device. (v = qBr m where q is the charge of the particle, B is the magnetic field strength applied across the plates, r is the radius of curvature of the particle and m is the mass of the particle.) Advantages The same gap can be used for all energies of particles, as the kick that is received will always be in-phase with the kick produced by the AC source. This is because as the particles speed up, they have a longer path, therefore take longer to arrive to the same point they were originally. Disadvantages To have a small device, large magnetic fields are required, which could pose a hassle to the set-up and cost of the project. As the particles become relativistic, the AC source lags behind, therefore not producing the correct kick to the particles, possibly removing energy from the system. Synchro-cyclotron (6 Marks) Accelerates Protons/Ions with a kinetic energy of 100-750 MeV Special form of cyclotron takes into account relativistic lag from the AC sources. Advantages There is no need for a narrow gap between the plates as in the case of conventional cyclotron, because strong electric fields for producing large acceleration are not required. So, only one plate is required instead of two, the other end of the oscillating voltage supply being connected to earth. The magnetic pole pieces can be brought closer, thus making it possible to increase greatly the magnetic flux density. The frequency valve oscillator is able to function with much greater efficiency. Disadvantages The machine produces high energy ions with a comparatively low intensity. Synchrotron (6 Marks) Figure 3: [?] Accelerates either electrons (kinetic energy of 1-10 GeV) or protons/ions (kinetic energy of 1-1000 GeV). Utilises a number of different types of magnets dipoles (bend the beam), quadrupole (focus the beam), sextupoles (account for chromaticity of the beam) etc. Uses RF cavities to insert energy into the particle beam to account for synchrotron losses and increase the energy of the beam Advantages Can generate a high luminosity beam at very high energies. The Synchrotron radiation lost can be used for other applications which require a very specific wavelength, such as medical applications. Disadvantages Suffers from radiation losses A synchrotron cannot use relativistic particles, as RF lag would become an issue. Storage ring (6 Marks) Accelerates electrons with a kinetic energy of 1-7 GeV [European Synchrotron Radiation Facility]. A storage ring is a particle accelerator that keeps a particle beam at a certain energy for a long period of time. This is useful, especially in synchrotrons, as the beam can be kept at a certain energy ensuring that a specific frequency is emitted in the form of radiation. Advantages Stores a particle beam at a certain energy, so dont have to increase beam energy from 0 (time consuming). Disadvantages Systems have to be very precise and stable – costly Collider ring (6 Marks) Accelerates electrons (kinetic energy of 10-100 GeV) or protons/ions (kinetic energy of 1-7 TeV [Large Hadron Collider]). Particles of a particular energy are injected into the ring and stored there until they are forced to collide at set points throughout the structure. Advantages Can reach higher energies than in a LINAC at much lower cost due to giving each beam half the required centre of mass energy. if using particle-antiparticle, then the same equipment will accelerate the two beams in opposite directions (due to difference in charge) Disadvantages Beam pipe needs to hold 2 beams, which need to only interact with each other when required need very accurate equipment to ensure beam stays separated. Linacs (6 Marks) Accelerates electrons (kinetic energy of 20 MeV to 50 GeV) or protons/ions (kinetic energy of 50-800 MeV [Los Alamos Meson Physics Facility]) A Linear Accelerator accelerates the particle beam along a straight line as opposed to a circular path. Advantages No energy loss due to particles accelerating in a curve. Can accelerate heavy ions to far higher energies than possible in the circular accelerators. Can produce a continuous stream of particles as opposed to bunched particles present in circular accelerators. Disadvantages Need to be very long to get up to high energies. A high number of AC driver sources are required, which is both costly and introduces possible errors due to out-of-phase issues. Linear collider (6 Marks) Accelerates electrons from 50-1000 GeV. A linear collider is used to collide particles in a straight line towards one another. Advantages No energy needs to be pumped into the beam to account for radiation losses. beams will never be able to interact with each other before the collision points, therefore can use smaller beam pipes. can accelerates heavier particles since they dont need to be bent. Disadvantages   For collisions with the highest possible energy, two linacs producing beams with the same energy headed towards each other, the complete machine would need to be very long! 2 Explain the advantages of using a collider rather than  a single beam for collision experiments. Illustrate your  answer by considering 7 TeV proton beams. (10 Marks) By using 7 TeV proton beams in a collider, a centre of mass energy of 14 TeV can be achieved by sending both beams in opposite directions to collide. This is obviously very useful when probing matter, as a higher energy will result in higher mass particles / more low mass particles being produced, therefore available for analysis. The single beam would only be able to reach 7 TeV, and so has a limited range by comparison to the collider. To obtain a centre of mass energy of 14 TeV in a single beam is also incredibly difficult to produce, both due to the cost and the size of the equipment required. Therefore a 14 GeV beam isnt feasible to produce. Whereas 7 TeV is relatively easy. Also, when 14 GeV does become easy to produce, a centre of mass energy of 28 GeV would then be possible, which is far more attractive for high energy energy studies. 3 Explain briefly how a laser-plasma wakefield accelerator  works. What determines the limit in energy for a uniform  plasma density? (13 Marks) In laser-plasma wakefield acceleration, a laser pulse is used to excited very high electric fields in a following plasma wave. Efficient energy transfer is made between laser pulse and plasma wave if both the wave and the pulse are travelling at the same speed, with a high energy gain being obtainable in low-density plasmas, in which the phase velocity of the laser-plasma is equal to the laser pulse group velocity, which is very close to the speed of light. This allows the longitudinal electric fields associated to the fast plasma wave to accelerate relativistic particles within the plasma, and can even trap the particles to the electrostatic wave. This allows particles to be boosted to very high energies in a very short distance. It is important that the density of the plasma is below the critical density (nc =1:1 _ 1021=_20 _m)[5] We know that the maximum energy of a wave is related to the 2g of the wave by the equation E _ epn _1g (1) where g is the lorentz factor associated with the group velocity of the laser pulse which is equal to g =!0!p (2) So the more dense the plasma, the lower g is, and therefore the slower the wave travels. If the wave travels too slowly, then the particles will move away from the wave faster. 4 Briefly describe how a FEL and synchrotron radiation  source works. What is the advantage of a free-electron  laser? (10 Marks) A free-electron laser utilises both undulator and radiation fields to produce ponderomotive (essentially a light-radiation pressure) on the particles. This forces the electrons to oscillate at the fundamental frequency. If the electrons can be forced to bunch together on a wavelength scale (given by equation 3), then the electrons emit coherently. _ =_u22_1 +a2u2_ (3) Synchrotron radiation works by accelerating a particle in a circular path, therefore producing radiation. This generally gives an incoherent beam of radiation, as any discrepancies in the individual particle energies will result in a slightly different frequency radiation coming o_. It is caused by undulators, wigglers and bending magnets, and due to the high speeds of the particles, comes out the acceleration device in a cone, with an opening angle equal to _1 . The benefits of the free-electron laser are that it produces a much higher brightness due to the coherence of the wave, therefore producing a significantly higher photon flux for a given energy, as compared to the synchrotron. Synchrotrons currently produce an average brilliance of 1011. The FEL is able to produce a brilliance of up to 6 orders of magnitude higher, however there are currently issues with regards creating coherence throughout the whole length of the laser pulse. 5 Describe how particles and X-rays can be used to treat  cancer and give the advantages and disadvantages of the  different radiation types used for radiotherapy. (13 Marks) With regards to cancer, the aim is to damage or destroy the DNA of the tumour to kill it by disrupting the cell cycle of the tumour in one way or another. X-Rays produced in 5-20 MeV linacs are currently used to treat most patients. They can cure up to 45% of cancers, 50% of which is by radiation therapy alone, or combined with chemotherapy and/or surgery. This is achieved by using 3D Conformation therapy, where multiple X-Rays are used to concentrate the beam energy onto the tumour, whilst minimising the damage caused to surrounding cells. Particles that can be used to treat cancers include electrons (positrons), protons, neutrons and ions. These can either be used directly, or can help in producing radio-isotopes to also assist in treating cancer through Positron Emission Tomograohy (PET) or Single Photon Emission Computed Tomography (SPECT). If used directly, then the particles are _red at the tumour. Charged particles interact with electrons in the body, and a vast majority of the energy of the particle is deposited according to its Bragg Peak (energy loss vs distance plot of the Bethe-Bloch formula). The aim is to get this depth to correspond to that of the tumour, so the energy deposited causes maximal damage to the cancer whilst causing very little damage to surrounding tissue. The advantages of particle therapy are All (most) energy deposited where required, with little to no damage of surrounding cells. Very few side effects Seems to have a higher cure rate with certain types of cancers (i.e. uveal melanoma). Massively reduces the damage done to children sufferers as less of their healthy tissue is effected, reducing the chances of side-effects caused by traditional methods. Particles can be accelerated to whatever energy is required to reach the tumour. The disadvantages of particle therapy are: It requires a huge capital investment, and is massively expensive by comparison to X-Ray treatments. Requires hospitals to have room for a large particle accelerator to accelerate the ions, which isnt always possible. Expensive to run, due to energies required. References [1]  as viewed on the 25/11/13 [2] linac en.svg  as viewed on the 25/11/13 [3]  as viewed on the 25/11/13 [4] physics/Accelerators/text/  Synchrotron /index.html  as viewed on the 25/11/13 [5] V. Malka, J. Faure, Y. Glinec, A. Lifschitz, LASER-PLASMA WAKEFIELD AC-CELERATION: CONCEPTS, TESTS AND PREMISES, EPAC, 2006

Thursday, September 19, 2019

Getting The Most From Our Education :: essays research papers

Getting The Most From Our Education My goodness Captain, you ask some hard questions! I think some of the responsibility could fall into the family's lap. Are people helping their kids with their homework? Are we checking to see if there is anything we can do to help? Are we praising thier accomplishments, and encouraging them, instead of critizing. Do we still check to see who their friends are? These were some of the things my parents did. As with most parents they made mistakes, as did I, but they did their best. And I did my best to make amends to them when I drifted. I think, I know I could have done better in school, I'm not sure if my study habits would change today. (one of the reasons I'm alittle reluctant to go back to college) But the values I learned young seem to be the ones that stick. And I feel the worst when I fall short of keeping them. That doesn't mean that the new values I'm learning aren't just as important, it just seems like it takes longer for me to incorperate them in my daily life. But, just like everything else, it takes alot of practise to get things right. Maybe we do need to do more to create civic pride, do have something that people can say, "I'm involved with this". For me everytime I check out and explore something new I always learn something. And whenever I reach out and help someone, I fell good. It was great to see the students of General Brown help out in the community with the Thanksgiving dinner for the seniors (I know there was another school that helped out too, I forgot who, if someone else remembers, please jump in and add their thanks to the list). If we want our kids to be less self-centered, we have to show them the example. If they don't follow, it won't be from lack of exposure. This is a transient world nowadays. The kids that grow up and get educated here

The Trouble with Boys :: Personal Narrative, Autobiographical Essay

My sister asks me how I am. I tell her I’ve been unproductive, distracted, and irritable. Â   I've been in a place before where I really didn't care to be dating anyone at all, but when I'm in that place it's usually because my defenses have gone haywire and are slaughtering innocent passers-by. It's not a lot of fun, I gotta tell you. What I can't remember is whether it's more fun - or less not-fun - than what I'm feeling now. Â   I mean, he seemed like a nice guy. He loves his mother. He holds down a good job. He said just enough of the right things that I believed him. Clever boy. Â   So now I'm shuttling distractedly back and forth between feeling sorry for myself and feeling sorry for him - the first, because I've been here too goddamned many times already and why don't these boys ever hang around? and the second because, bless his little heart, he never even gave himself the chance to know just how wonderful I am. It's irritating. Â   What bothers me almost as much, though, are the friends who, when I'm cool with things and don't care whether I date anyone or not, warn me that I'll be alone forever if I don't let down my defenses and open up to the possibility of meeting Mister Wonderful, but when I'm all in a terrible state because the guy for whom I've finally let down my defenses seems to be dumping me, tell me I shouldn't care whether he wants to see me or not, because I'm allathat and a bag of chips anyway and I'll be fine on my own. Â   Seems like good advice: care enough but not too much, want to see him but not care whether he wants to see me, keep my defenses in check but up and running... but I have yet to figure out how to do all these things at once. And while I am fine on my own, I'd kinda like the opportunity to be fine with someone for a while. Â   I have a friend for whom this is not a problem. Her tactic, upon suspecting she's being ditched, which she would like me to emulate, is to put on her sassiest attitude and start dating someone else - preferably one of his friends.

Wednesday, September 18, 2019

I Have the Moral Character to be a Teacher :: Teaching Education Essays

I Have the Moral Character to be a Teacher I was inspired to become a teacher for many reasons. Teaching will be a self-fulfilling career. It would give me the opportunity to help my community and have a moral and ethical impact on the students of this area. Also, I desire to be with my children as much as possible, and a teaching profession fits that mold. A teaching profession would be rewarding because it would allow me to fulfill many personal goals, including working with the youth of the area and spending time with my family. For many years I have volunteered with the Boys Scouts of America. Doing this is one of my passions, but recent jobs I have had did not allowed much time for volunteering. A teacher’s schedule would allow me to be able to serve this organization by volunteering as an Aquatics Instructor, teaching life-saving skills. My other passion is my family. Spending time with my children is the best way to create life-long memories. However, it is difficult to spend time with my family and scho ol-age children when our schedules are not alike. As a teacher, I would be able to spend more quality time with my children and help them after school with homework. In addition to meeting these personal goals, teaching would allow me to reach out to area students and help them build character and acquire knowledge. The classroom is a complex society. In each room, there must be an atmosphere in which students of all backgrounds can learn. By being a constructivist one can combine the elements of essentialism, progressivism, behaviorism, perennialism, and existentialism to form a successful teaching philosophy and therefore a successful classroom. Below, I will discuss how these ideas can be combined for success. As essentialism states, the teacher needs to have control in the instruction of the classroom. Lecturing and supervising the improvement of skills are great ways to teach materials. A case in point here shows one of the teaching fundamentals, of the core subjects reading, writing, math, and nature sciences. This give s you the intellectual discipline to solve problems that involve complex ideas. In progressivism, students have more of a democratic voice in the learning process. Although the teacher will be the facilitator of the process, by using a cooperative learning activity the students are designing there own education and are guided in a direction by the teacher.

Tuesday, September 17, 2019

Civil War Inevitable Essay

By the end of 1854 the two sections, the North (Union) and the South (Confederacy) had reached an impasse and that Civil War was inevitable sooner or later. The conflicts grew tension between the two, the manufacturing section of the North and the agricultural South, which led to Civil War. Between the North and the South there were economic, social and political differences. The North had a number of goals concerning slavery and the South. The North wanted to abolish slavery, stop the spread of slavery in the western territories, and the spreading of slavery in Kansas. And the immediate reason for the Civil War was to save the union. While the South wanted to continue slavery, spread slavery throughout the western territories, and ensure establishment in Kansas territory. Nevertheless, after seizing Mexico and the spreading of territories westward the South depended highly on slavery because of the â€Å"cotton king†. One of these territories included the Kansas-Nebraska where many newcomers and the proslavery settlers began to move into the territory. In this territory after the 1852 election, the temporary peace of the Compromise of 1850 came to an end. Senator Stephen Douglas passes the Kansas-Nebraska Act which created two new territories of Kansas and Nebraska. The status of slavery in the area was decided to be by popular sovereignty. This act wrecked two compromises The Compromise of 1820, and 1850, and the democratic party. While the act formed a new party: the Republicans. Throughout many compromises, and conflicts one of the large decisions was the Dred Scott decision. Dred Scott, who had lived in Illinois for 5 years with his master, sued his master for his freedom because Illinois was a free state. The decision concluded by the court ruled that because the slave was a property the master could take them in any area. With this decision it delighted the Southerners’, while it made the Northerners’ angry. As the North and the South became angry at each other and took different sides, one of the main conflicts was the election of 1860. The new Republican Party chose Abraham Lincoln for their candidate, which won for president. Now with Lincoln being the president the south felt very uncomfortable since Lincoln wanted a preserve union and anti-slavery. For  this reason South Carolina succeed from the union. As later on more states started succeeding from the Union, where they formed the Confederacy. This outraged the North. Now the North and the South had become two different sections, making the Civil was inevitable. The existence of slavery was the main conflict between the North and the South that led to other conflicts such as the Kansas-Nebraska Act, the Dred Scott decision, and the election of President Abraham Lincoln. The conflicts made the Civil War inevitable to escape. The two sections had two different choices the North wanted to abolish slavery while the South the opposite. But after the South seceded the Civil War started.

Monday, September 16, 2019

Tok Can a Machine Know

In today’s day and age, the question â€Å"Can a Machine Know? † is very important and relevant to what we are doing with machines in making them more and more humanlike and capable of human functions. A machine, as defined on Dictionary. com â€Å"is an apparatus consisting of interrelated parts with separate functions, used in the performance of some kind of work. † That seems simple enough, not very complicated at all. But then if you look up â€Å"know†, the definition is very hard to grasp. Dictionary. com defines â€Å"know† as: â€Å"to perceive or understand as fact or truth; to apprehend clearly and with certainty. This doesn’t give much justice to the word and requires you to define other terms such as understand and truth and certainty. It is much easier to use the term as defined according to Plato. His view is regarded to be the â€Å"classical† definition. According to Plato, at least three criteria must be satisfied in order for there to be knowledge; a statement must be justified, true and believed. And so if a machine meets all these requirements then it must in fact know. With machines, the main argument against their capabilty to know is that everything they can do is because humans programmed them to do it. Machines cannot do anything on a whim; they have no imagination or creativity. Creativity is one of the things that makes humans rather special and not just walking computer processors. It enables us to make decisions which are not based simply on algorithms or past history or other data. We can be bold, reckless, brave, and foolish or act in many other emotional ways. This is impossible to program as emotions do not lend themselves to mathematical analysis. Yet emotions are an essential part of knowledge. For example I know whether I am happy today or not and it probably affects what I do today more than the facts I actually know. Computers can never be happy or sad. They cannot love or grieve. They cannot, in other words, be human and know. But the other side of the argument is that humans are just computers which contrary is the exact opposite stated in the above paragraph. We are just many bits and pieces that are all working together to let us live and experience life. In fact humans are classified as biological machines, and if humans can know anything, machines should be able to know. Many consider the only aspect that makes humans and other higher organic creatures different from the commonly defined machine is our ability to express emotions and intuition. These emotions and intuitions come from our mind, which is a system; a system of biochemistry, electricity, some mechanics and maybe a bit of quantum mechanics, but a system nonetheless. If you take any individual part of this system away, none of these parts will understand anything. They're simply exchanging information with different parts according to set rules. This is exactly what a machine does when given instructions and prior facts and figures. As I was researching this topic and looking at both sides of the argument, I admit I was very torn. At first I thought no, there’s no way a machine can know. They don’t have brains and everything they do is programmed beforehand for them by humans. But as I delved more deeply into the question I found that some advanced robots are not quite like that. On Youtube, there are many videos which include Honda’s robot, named ASIMO, that show machines can think very much on they’re own. One video talks about how this robot can actually â€Å"see†, a trait we usually only give to living organisms. Though it has two cameras for eyes, the way it processes the information it views through the cameras is very humanlike, like a child learning their surroundings. A man shows the robot objects that it has already learned to indentify and ASIMO says what they are out loud. But then the man shows it two completely different objects, a toy car and a toy robot, and tells ASIMO what they are. The man then shows the robot the two objects again and asks it what they are. ASIMO dutifully replies what each is correctly. This amazed me because it showed machines could actually learn from experience, just like humans. But that wasn’t all, ASIMO was later told indentify a chair. At first a normal looking wood chair was placed in front of it and the robot nodded. Then a stool was placed in front and ASIMO nodded again, even though the stool looks nothing like a chair. But then it is showed a table and ASIMO shakes his head no. This was very astounding to me because it showed a machine making a judgment. So to actually determine whether or not a computer can know, we must go back to Plato’s description of knowledge and see if a machine fits. The main purpose of most machines is to record vast amounts of data which are all truthful so that fulfills the first criteria easy enough. Then it must be justified which is done by the programmer feeding information to the machine. And last but not least it must believe and because the computer must follow the code it’s given, then it must believe and thus it fits all of Plato’s criteria for knowledge. But this just seemed too easy so I decided to look into the ways of knowing, and if the machine fit all those components, then it definitely knows. Though a machine can use reason to solve problems that no human can, use intuition to figure out if an object is a chair or not, speak in every language known to man, see objects and know what they are, and be able to hear a human and respond, machines still cannot experience emotion and that is the one thing stopping them from knowing. As stated in a previous argument, an essential part to knowing is through emotion and creativity and imagination. Without these things a machine cannot know. Until humans are able to make a machine that has the capacity that the human brain does, a machine will never know like a human. It will understand how to perform certain tasks and learn new things, but it will never be able to create something of its own or experience any type of emotion. In saying this, I do believe that in the near future, with technological advances, there will soon be a machine which can think for itself and have its own ideas and creations. Due to Raymond Kurzweil’s theory of Singularity, humans will create machines that have intelligence which surpasses their own and by that time machines will most definitely know. Because of the human sciences striving to create robots that are humanlike, they will eventually become successful and once the breakthrough is made, then there will be thousands of different machines that can know and our society will have totally changed. But as of right now, a machine cannot know. It can perform very humanlike tasks and talk and walk and speak but there is still the barrier of not being able to imagine or feel which separates humans from machines.Bibliography;page=3

Sunday, September 15, 2019

The Staff Development

This paper will review the characteristics of a teaching program for a critical care department in a local community hospital. This will include a review of teaching strategies that focus on the adult learner based on their development stage. A teaching program for the critical care department would entail small group and student-centered teaching strategies that focus on communication enhancement and core skill competency development among learners. This teaching approach emphasizes more autonomy in the clinical care setting and encourages the teacher to consider learner characteristics among clinical and professional workers. The educational program described will be offered in hospital and other generic health care organizations where proactive team building skills and communication skills development are necessary to ensure a multi-disciplinary approach to learning and care giving. The teaching program provided will include a team approach to healthcare education encouraging participants to learn and adopt strategies for conversing and communicating with diverse populations including other professionals, students, clinical workers, patients, families and community members. Teaching Program for Critical Care Department Foundation Learner characteristics for employees in a critical care work setting are unique. Adult learners generally have specific characteristics that require use of effective strategies for learning and teaching the adult learner (Huttly, Sweet & Taylor, 2003). Studies suggest that multiple approaches may be more effective for helping critical care staff develop, including a â€Å"team healthcare approach† which educators can adopt and simulate in an educational setting â€Å"through interprofessional education and vertical integration of student years† (Huttly, Sweet & Taylor, p. 5). Teaching strategies must be based on learner characteristics and the place of employment students intend to pursue their career to be successful. Teaching strategies that are varied are most likely to be successful, and may include information technology training in skills development and writing genres and education about working in a multidisciplinary health care setting where a depth and range of activities and problems solving skills are nurtured among future healthcare practitioners (Biggs, 1999; Huttly, Sweet & Taylor, 2003). Teaching strategies must incorporate multiple aims including improving adult critical care workers perceptions and experiences of their education and learning environment and supporting learners at varying developmental levels (Curzon, 2000). Among the skills necessary include improving communication skills in a patient centered manner; this may require that educators focus on assessing the student practitioner and providing information based learning in small groups that emphasizes problem based and problem solving learning (Huttly, Sweet & Taylor, 2003). Many support teaching strategies that incorporate good communication, skills and core competency training and specialist options that are student based and emphasize group study skills to support ongoing learning at each development stage among adult learners; further research suggest that the ability of adult learners to discover information and understand subject matter in a clinical setting depends in part on their ability to uncover information about subjects important to them and their professional careers (Huttly, et al. 2003; Wilby, 2001). It is important that teachers adopt strategies that allow them to act as â€Å"agents of change† in the classroom, drawing on their own educational experience to provide students with a learning environment that is â€Å"condensed but focused† (Huttly, Sweet & Taylor, 150). The clinic provides an adequate learning environment for all medical students, and teaching strategies in this environment should focus on providing students with skills, knowledge, expertise and professional ability to treat patients correctly and efficiently (Huttly, Sweet & Taylor, 2003). Teaching strategies that tend to work well in a clinical environment reflect learner characteristics, are generally subject-centered, consider student's pre-clinical ability and education and enable students to tackle â€Å"problem-oriented, practical experiences† geared toward their developmental level (Townsend, et al. 1997; Huttly et al. 2003). Small group learning is also considered â€Å"the most meaningful learning experienced by adult learners† and useful for all curricula including medical, particularly when characterized by â€Å"active participation of all group members† (Huttly, Sweet & Taylor, 101). Further small group experiences can enhance learning by involving them in various processes including â€Å"relating, applying, generating ideas and recognizing and resolving problems† (Huttly, Sweet & Taylor, 101). It is a more active than passive form of teaching that provides students with more stimulating methods of interaction and developing, enabling better responsibility for learning among students, helping develop generic clinical skills and promoting all adult learning characteristics and styles (Biggs, 1999; Huttly, Sweet & Taylor, 2003). Particularly in clinical education student centered modes of teaching including small group work allow students to adopt more active and autonomous roles better preparing them to function as team members in their medical communities at later dates and times (Huttly, Sweet & Taylor, 2003). There is ample evidence supporting the role of active learning in the clinical environment. There is also ample evidence suggesting that student centered approaches to teaching help clinical student learn to communicate better in a team environment and help develop more comprehensive communication and problem solving skills, important attributes within the medical profession (Huttly, Sweet & Taylor, 2003). This compared with more teacher centered approaches, strategies that in the past have proven less successful among adult learners with varying learning characteristics, particularly those learning in a clinical environment where it is important that students adopt transferable and generic skills (Huttly, Sweet & Taylor, 2003).

Saturday, September 14, 2019

Malcolm X Citation Essay

â€Å"The future belongs to those who prepare for it today.† This quote by Malcolm X showed that he was ready for the future, whatever it may be. (Moncur). Malcolm X greatly affected the turn of black de-segregation in the 1950s. He had strong beliefs, suffered a gruesome assassination, and a remarkable legacy. Malcolm Little had many strong beliefs in himself and in people all over the world. Malcolm Little educated himself, so was able to find out what he believed. For one, he changed his name from Malcolm Little to Malcolm X because X was the original surname of the slaves from whom he had descended. He insisted that Blacks had the right to protect themselves. He had always believed that violence was occasionally reasonable. Even though he was put into prison in 1946 for burglary, and got out in 1952, he was still a very significantly important person. Malcolm X became very interested in the Nation of Islam. The Nation of Islam is based on conventional teachings, Black Nationalism, and self-help programs that helped the Blacks living in the ghettoes. He believed in and studied Elijah Muhammad, who was the leader of the Black Muslims and popularized their doctrines. He soon became a Black Muslim and as one, he encouraged other Blacks to form all-Black communities. After being a Black Muslim for awhile, he became the â€Å"Top Dog† and representative for them. On March 8, 1964, Malcolm X broke with the Nation of Islam and made a religious journey to Mecca, Saudi Arabia. In Mecca, he took the name El-Hajj Malik El-Shabazz. When Malcolm broke with the Nation of Islam, he became a target for death threats and pressure. On February 21st, Malcolm X was shot and his life was taken away from him in Harlem. No one thinks it is a coincidence the February 21st, was the first day of National Brotherhood Week. He was shot by a double-barreled shot gun and two pistols. Malcolm’s lawyer, Percy Sutton, said after he was proclaimed dead, â€Å"Malcolm knew he would be killed. He told me repeatedly-and as late as yesterday- that his life was in danger† (Finkelman). There were three men involved in the assassination of Malcolm. They were all members of the Nation of Islam. The main one who shot him in the chest was Talmadge Hayer. Hayer was born in 1943, making him twenty-two at the time of Malcolm’s death. Earlier in his life he was detained in prison for possession of guns and disorderly conduct. He testified that his accomplices were not guilty, but they were all convicted. The Audubon Ballroom was the place where Malcolm was shot. The Audubon Ballroom adjoined a theatre found in Washington Heights, NYC. Washington Heights is in a neighborhood north of Harlem. Recently, it was obliterated to make way for the new Columbia Presbyterian Hospital, the place were Malcolm X was taken when he was shot. Everyone that walks in the doors of the Hospital will see the memorial which was placed there for Malcolm X. Malcolm X was one of the most contentious persons of the century. He had met many people, traveled many places, and influenced many lives. Many young Black activists supported him. Malcolm X was captivating and witty, while his words gave hope to all who heard them. He was an incredible speaker and many people wished to quote him. Malcolm X once said, â€Å"How can anyone be against love?†(â€Å"Malcolm X†). I agree with him, no one can be against love. This is one of the many reasons Malcolm X supported the Blacks and helped them to believe that they had the right to be safe, the right to protect themselves, and the right to love.

Friday, September 13, 2019

Business Communication Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words - 1

Business Communication - Essay Example lobal character, and therefore one of the main tendencies since the end of the 20th century is the integration of all companies connected with production and use of chemicals all over the world into a common and unified system of environment care. The concept of chemical safety for the 21st century was created in 1992 during the International UNO Conference in Rio de Janeiro. The issue of the impact that chemicals produce upon the humans and the nature has been researched by the scientists, and the results of their findings are astonishing. Here are just some very basic facts: Among the multiple factors harbouring the health of our people an important place is taken by chemical pollution of some areas of the country. That is why toxicology emerged as the science studying different aspects of the impact of chemicals upon people and nature. Some chemicals, including industrial waste that have been emitted into the environment can generate mutations, and it is sometimes extremely hard to forecast what kind of mutation will the toxication with the chemical evoke; Among the most widespread effects of chemicals upon the organism of people and animals are the damage of immune and nervous systems which can lead to serious problems with health and can even produce effect upon further generations; Ecological problems are inseparably connected not only with the health issues but also with the economy. As Brown has it: â€Å"Living standards are falling in many countries due to environmental degradation†¦. Many people have long understood, at least intuitively, that continuing environmental degradation would eventually exact a heavy economic toll†. (Brown 1993, pg 16) Ecological control of chemicals in the objects of the environment is therefore extremely important. There are certain approaches that allow to dispose industrial waste without harming the nature, and these should be introduced into the everyday practice all over the globe. The prospects of developing this

Thursday, September 12, 2019

Ethics (9 topics total Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 4500 words

Ethics (9 topics total - Essay Example Involuntary euthanasia refers to putting a person to death without obtaining or seeking the patient’s consent; ethically, this action is equivalent to a murder. Abortion is the process of terminating pregnancy by removing the growing fetus from the womb of a mother, which is also equivalent to ending human life. Many cultures around the world treat abortion as unethical, immoral and illegal even if it is done to avoid the growth of babies with genetic deformities. Yet, most parents opt for abortion of fetuses with abnormalities. Aborting the fetus becomes necessary in case of severe damage due to injury or any other cause; in case of abnormal growth of the embryo, which could be harmful for the mother, abortion becomes inevitable. However, abortion has received its notion as unethical action because of intentional abortion decisions taken by parents, mothers and other family members due to various other reasons such as pregnancy out of wedlock, unwanted pregnancy, early or lat e pregnancy and even due to pregnancy caused by failed contraception. For these reasons, the fetus may or may not be healthy and normal. From ethics perspective, euthanasia and abortion have attracted much debate from religious and spiritual sides, human rights activists, sociologists, and even medical professionals. In recent debate over euthanasia and abortion, sparked by Ironside who suggested euthanasia for disabled and grieving children and abortion for preventing the birth of an unwanted child or inherently disabled child (Williams, 1). Although Ironside’s advocacy for euthanasia and abortion seem the right choice in such situations, yet people do not dare to take such stand due to the ethical and moral obligations attached with human life and due to pressure from the religious, spiritual and other groups. Abortion is considered legal in most Western and some eastern countries in case of an abnormal fetus; but euthanasia is opted by very few nations. In most of the East ern nations, euthanasia is treated as strictly illegal irrespective of the patient’s condition. The argument is that ending life cannot be a solution to all sufferings; hence, euthanasia and/or abortion do not fit into the choices of humanity but only as inhuman act against fellow human beings. However, from health of the mother and wellbeing of families’ perspective, these choices seem to be, but not confirmed, ultimate answers. Works cited Feinberg, John S and Paul D Feinberg. Ethics for a Brave New World. 2nd ed. Illinois, Crossway, 2010. Williams, Zoe. Abortion and euthanasia: was Virginia Ironside right? The Guardian. 5 October 2010. Web. 28 March 2012. 2. Sexual morality Sexuality is considered as something vulgar when demonstrated or spoken about in public despite it being a natural biological process associated with growth. Ethics associated with sexuality in reality are direct ed towards sexual behavior, its constraints, and matters of approval. Sexual behavior is common in every human being, but individuals are expected to express sexual desires only with their approved partners; any

Wednesday, September 11, 2019

Construction contracts Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2500 words

Construction contracts - Research Paper Example Variation Types Variations are not restricted merely to the work specification, the cost specification or other quality aspects. Instead, variation can constitute a number of different aspects a few of which are2: an addition to work specifications; an omission to work specifications; a change of materials; changes to construction sequence; working hours change; corrections in the contract documents; corrections in the Bill of Quantities (BoQs) for descriptions and / or quantities of materials used; changes to third party work schedule and scope; changes in the timeline agreed upon in the original contract; changes required to deal with unforeseen circumstances / force majeure. In addition to describing variations as changes to the work, its scope, its cost, quality and other aspects, another potent method of defining variation is as per the party that initiates the variation. CEBE3 has provided a comprehensive method to describe variation as per the initiating party. The causes for variation as per the initiating party have been used to classify variations in an attempt to cover as many variations as possible. The major classifications of variations provided are owner related, consultant related, contractor related and other variations. The research by CEBE provides that there are approximately 53 discernible types of variations that might occur in any construction contract situation4. The various types of variations are shown in detail in the diagram provided below: Figure 1 - Causes of variation as expounded by CEBE (2006) Impacts of Variation Types on Contract Dimensions It would not be possible to discuss all the different types of variations and to analyze them as per FIDIC’s Red Book (1999) interpretations. A few... It would not be possible to discuss all the different types of variations and to analyze them as per FDIC's Red Book (1999) interpretations. A few major variations, including variations that are controversial as being variations or not, are discussed as per CABE classification presented above. A variation in project scope by the owner is one of the most common causes of variation, especially for construction projects. The owner is not on board in typical construction projects planning and design stages and this leads to changes in planning and scoping later. In such circumstances, since the originating party is the owner, the engineer is required to submit a proposal for variation to the contractor as per sub-clause 13.3 of the FIDIC Red Book (1999). Processing of the variation requested is subject to the contractor’s choosing and the owner would have to convince the contractor to comply. Additionally, the condition of the Red Book’s sub-clause that the contractor cannot stop work as variation proposals are being shuttled seems unreasonable. For example, if the owner requires an extensive change of scope that involves the current work, the contractor still has to keep working in the agreed direction even though he proposes variations simultaneously. The lack of clarification for major scope changes makes subclause 13.3 ambiguous and open to dispute between contracting parties. Another area of contention for variation may arise if the owner’s cash stream is somehow affected.

Tuesday, September 10, 2019

Legal application Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words

Legal application - Essay Example It is essential to properly communicate with drawl of an offer to the offeree. Moreover, a revocation need not be in any particular form. An offer is considered to have been revoked if communication to the effect that the property has been sold reaches the offeree. Such a communication of revocation is valid, even if it is delivered to the offeree’s residence, place of business or agent. A valid contract results if the offeree accepts the offer before its revocation. Some exceptions are first, option contracts, in which the contract has to be kept open for a specified period of time and in which the offeror receives consideration for keeping the offer open. Second, firm offers, in such contracts the offeror cannot revoke the contract till such time as the expiration date of the contract is not over (Twomey 2004, p. 266). To prevent revocation of an offer, an option can be secured by a separate contract to make the offer irrevocable for a specified period of time. In Errington v Errington and Woods (1952) 1 KB 290,1 All ER 149 CA, the Court decided that a unilateral offer could not be withdrawn once performance had commenced, even though there would be no binding contract if the performance was left incomplete. Jack offered to sell a mobile phone to Cameron on the 2nd of October, stating that this offer would be valid for a week. Cameron informed his brother that he was interested in accepting Jack’s offer. On the 3rd of October, without the knowledge of Cameron, his brother gave this information to Jack. On the 4th of October, Jack, sold the mobile phone to Chad in the presence of his flatmate. This flatmate informed Cameron about this sale on the very same day of the sale. On the 5th of October, Cameron delivered a letter of acceptance to Jack but later in that day Jack informed Cameron that he had already sold

Monday, September 9, 2019

Operation analysis Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words

Operation analysis - Essay Example Thus, the proponent emphasises the two chosen measures of operational performance for McDonald’s by explaining their importance and their capacity to help manage McDonald’s operation effectively. Company Background The company is an international icon as the leading fast food chain restaurant operating in an international coverage. Thus, it is important to learn a little background about this company as far as global foodservice retailing and performance evaluation measures are concerned. There were 22 million people worldwide served by McDonald’s in 1994 (Lyon et al., 1994). This figure rose more than twice which correspondingly one of the most important bases why McDonald’s declares to be the leading global foodservice retailer (McDonald’s, 2011). McDonald’s does not only cater to the needs of the consumers, as well as its franchisers. The reason why McDonald’s continues to flaunt its achievements is to entice international franchise rs in order to continuously help the brand grow for the better. Today, there are more than 32,000 McDonald’s local restaurants in 117 countries which approximately cater around 60 million people. This alone is enough to entice local business persons to go for foodservice retailing through McDonald’s franchising. At present, 75% of McDonald’s restaurants are globally owned or operated by local business people. Among of the world’s favourites at McDonald’s are its world famous fries, big mac, quarter pounder, chicken mcnuggets, and egg mcmuffin. Ray Kroc, founder of McDonald’s had established a good foundation for the company. He was successful in passing on the vision from generation to generation. This makes McDonald’s one of the best companies that can remarkably give important insights on how a business should function according to the basic business principles and even in areas of complicated situations. McDonald’s without q uestion is good at establishing both its internal and external control. This paves way to probable interrelated relationship between the company’s management control system and its strategies (Kober et al., 2007). In every business, control is important because it paves way to strategic management system (Nilsson and Olve, 2001). It is in this reason that control has become one of the most important options in business operation in order to evaluate existing strategies prior to the achievement of corporate goals. It is in line with this that performance measurement and management control have become strongly related with each other prior to effectively enhancing efficient business operation (Epstein, 2004). Measures of Performance – McDonald’s The main content of this paper includes two general performance measures that can be applied in an organisation. Particularly, the proponent includes financial perspective and customer perspective as two general performanc e measures that can be applied at McDonald’s. These two measures are essential perspectives of the balanced scorecard as a set of performance measures from the company’s strategies in order to support its strategy and generally its operation in the long run (Garrison and Noreen, 2000). Financial Performance Measure In the midst of tough competition most firms are apt to stimulate needs for their service or product offerings (Kotler et al., 1999; Boone and Kurtz, 2006). This is eventually relevant in the case of McDonald’s. The current market trend demands for more healthy foods which eventually tries to ward off consumers from

Romanticism in The Lamb and London Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words

Romanticism in The Lamb and London - Essay Example The poem ' The Lamb' is very simple to understand but shows poet's immense faith and understanding of the nature and the almighty. The poem is the dialogue between the poet and the lamb. In the first few stanzas the poets asks lamb, "Does thou know who made thee." He wants to make it known to him that he is not made by any human being nor himself makes him, rather he is the part of the nature. Then he tells that he is made by the being that is also called by the same name as "The Lamb." Similarly he clarifies further that the other things, which he get, like the feed, soft woolen clothing and the tender voice, are also all given by the same person, who by nature is meek and mild. This being is also the child. Then the poet says he himself is also a child and he is also created by created by him as he says, "We are all called by his name." The poet feels that the lamb, his possessions and everybody else are the part of the nature and created by the almighty. He also says that we are p art of almighty, in that sense the nature and the almighty are one and the same thing. "London" is a very different type of poem. It reflects two things: one the prevailing atmosphere in London at that time and 2) the poets mood and attitude towards the life during that phase of life. It's a sorrowful poem. He begins by saying that not only the streets but also the river in London is chartered (not free to the ordinary people). He says whomever he comes across shows the marks of weakness and woes. And "every" man, infant is suffering; there is a voice of the cry, sorrow in the whole atmosphere. Then by giving the example of "chimney-sweepers" he says the church has failed to help the needy. Then the poet brings the woes of the soldiers who have no option but fight for the country and sacrifice them. Then there is sudden turn when poet brings out the fact that youth's mistake gives birth to illegitimate child who are abandoned by the society. The Lamb: Let us consider the various quotes: 1) Does thou know who made thee: There is general feeling in the society that "I' am" the creator of everything. Humans not only have the feeling of being creator of materialistic things but also of the natural things like the plants, the animals and even the human beings. This is what the poet wants to make the lamb aware of, as to who has made him and indirectly he also wants the humans to know who actually their real creator is. The lamb here is innocent animal that is unaware of the worldly facts. Similarly the humans are also considered by the poet to be innocent creatures who are unaware of the same facts. Now just as the good teacher would teach his pupil with full love and compassion similarly by giving the metaphor of the lamb the poet wants to teach the humans, as to who is their creator, creator of the world. All the fights that occur are due to the egos and the misunderstandings of "me" and "mine." He knows that when the humans will know who the real creator is their egos will dissolve and love amongst them will prevail. That's why the poet asks th e lamb "who made thee" so as to make aware the lamb and indirectly people to know who actually is the real creator. 2) Gave thee such tender voice: The little lamb has a soft tender voice. Now this innocent lamb may develop the feeling that it is his own or he may feel that he himself has made it and was supposed to use it only for the personal purposes. The poet wants to again make him aware that